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What You Should Know About Gender Differences In Substance Use Disorders Near Duluth

April 29, 2024

All people with substance use disorders (SUDs) feel compelled to take dependency causing substances like alcohol or drugs. This mental disorder is found in both women and men, but are there differences in the way the two genders endure SUDs? Current studies say “Yes.”

Appreciating the gender differences in substance use disorders near Duluth can help you figure out when a loved one -- female or male -- requires addiction treatment. It also helps addiction treatment providers, like Evolve Recovery Center Duluth, know how to care for patients. If you haven’t thought about how SUD affects men and women before, consider the following facts.

Do Men And Women Experience The Same Symptoms Of SUD?

Men and women generally show the same substance use disorder symptoms. These include:

  • Feeling compulsions to consume addictive substances every day or multiple times a day
  • Experiencing overwhelming impulses to keep using that distract you from other pastimes or obligations
  • Depending on increased doses of a substance to experience the same effect
  • Being unable to control how much or how often you use
  • Spending in excess of what you can afford on alcohol or drugs
  • Putting an emphasis on getting a supply over other obligations
  • Failing to fulfill obligations because of drug or alcohol use
  • Withdrawing from family and social activities in order to use
  • Continuing to use the substance even if you see it is creating problems
  • Participating in dangerous or illegal endeavors to find or use the substance
  • Experiencing withdrawal if you attempt to quit using
  • Failing in every bid to stop using

However, habit-forming substances affect female individuals more speedily, so a substance use disorder moves along faster in women. Women, therefore, have a greater likelihood of encountering acute symptoms before seeking treatment.

What Are A Few Noteworthy Differences In Substance Use Disorders Between Women And Men?

According to recent research about substance use, men experience drug or alcohol use disorders in a different manner than women. For example:

  • Men are more prone to consume street drugs or misuse prescriptions.
  • Women are more prone to misuse prescribed opioids, anti-anxiety medications, and sleeping tablets.
  • Men have elevated rates of dependency for alcohol and drugs.
  • Fatality rates among women with alcohol disorders are 50 to 100 percent higher than men.
  • Women and men are just as likely to experience a substance use disorder.

Although men are more prone to use unlawful substances, women are more apt to misuse prescribed drugs. This could be due to the fact that women are more willing to find treatment for pain, sleep disorders, and anxiety. And although more men use dependency-causing drugs and alcohol generally speaking, female anatomy puts women at higher risk for fatal diseases caused by substance use. But it’s essential to remember that everyone who takes addiction-causing alcohol or drugs has a similar chance of developing a substance use disorder, and any SUD can be devastating or even fatal.

Do Women And Men Seek Addiction Treatment At The Same Rate?

One noteworthy gender difference in substance use disorders near Duluth deals with treatment. More men search for addiction care than women. Women are frequently the chief caregivers and may not have an individual to look after their families if they start treatment. They might be scared of losing their little ones if they reveal their addiction. Men have a lower likelihood of having caregiving obligations that keep them out of residential care.

When they begin treatment, enduring recovery is a challenge for all people. However, men have a better shot of reaching it since they are not as likely to relapse. Women relapse at increased rates since they are more inclined to have a debilitating substance use disorder or co-occurring disorders that inhibit recovery. They might also struggle to find addiction facilities that adjust treatment to their exact needs.

None of this information should deter any individual from getting treatment. Recognizing these truths helps addiction treatments facilities, loved ones, and communities better comprehend how to assist those experiencing SUDs. If you need assistance overcoming drug or alcohol addiction, contact a local, trusted treatment center today.

Get Treatment That Understands Gender And Addiction Near Duluth

Men and women have different needs for SUD treatment. Evolve Recovery Center Duluth always personalizes our services to your exact needs. If you are looking for a hospitable environment to stay and work on addiction recovery, dial us at 470-348-5426 or send in the contact form on this page. We reply right away, night or day. Place the call now; we’re ready to help.