Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Duluth

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Our Rehab Process Near Duluth

Whether this is your first experience in drug or alcohol rehab or you've tried it in the past, we are well aware that you might feel nervous and doubtful about joining us at Evolve Recovery Center Duluth. We hope our disclosing of our personalized rehab process will lessen some of your worry and help you realize the greatest benefit from our services. You may also contact us at 470-348-5426 whenever you need to to chat with one of our friendly admissions professionals about your concerns and questions about rehab.

Why Start Drug Rehab Near Duluth?

After you finish drug detox, you’re at your highest risk of relapse. Evolve Duluth wants to help you abstain from drugs and progress on your journey to sobriety. Our drug rehab treatment helps you do this by

  • Giving you a safe place clear of the trauma and triggers of drug use
  • Supplying medical support to control ongoing withdrawal symptoms
  • Exploring the core origins of drug addiction
  • Teaching you coping mechanisms to assist you throughout your recovery
  • Formulating an aftercare plan to promote a long-lasting recovery

When you’ve decided to move forward in prevailing over drug use, contact Evolve Duluth. Our knowledgeable staff will discuss if rehab is the appropriate spot for you and provide everything you need to know about our intake policies.

Why Enter Alcohol Rehab In Duluth?

The majority of people dealing with alcohol use disorder cannot halt drinking alone. Detox programs support you while alcohol is cleared from your system, but it’s challenging not to relapse when you keep having compulsions to drink and distressing withdrawal symptoms. Our alcohol rehab process in Duluth helps you tackle these obstacles. After detoxing from alcohol, enter our facility, and we will

  • Give you relaxing bedrooms and lounges away from external forces that trigger use
  • Supply medical support for withdrawal symptoms
  • Treat the mental side of alcohol use disorder and co-occurring mental disorders
  • Instruct you on valuable coping mechanisms for abstaining from alcohol and dealing with stress
  • Administer to your exact needs so you may focus on you

Detox isn't enough to remain sober indefinitely. Reach out to Evolve Recovery Center Duluth now to explore how we will help you defeat alcohol addiction at our facility.

What Does Inpatient Rehab Involve?

Inpatient rehab is the second phase of recovery for drug and alcohol addictions once detox is complete. Throughout rehab at Evolve Recovery Center Duluth, you’ll stay in our contemporary inpatient facility and receive substance use care on a daily basis. We utilize many therapy techniques and have medical professionals to aid you in managing withdrawal symptoms.

Above all else, you won’t find alcohol or drugs here. You’ll have the chance to devote yourself to getting well without the enticement to take addictive substances. At the completion of rehab, your withdrawal symptoms will be controlled, and you’ll have developed skills for staying sober as you return to normal life.

What To Expect During The Rehab Intake Process

Right when you step foot into our facility, Evolve Duluth team members are there to help. We keep our admissions process straightforward and make sure you have an opportunity to settle in prior to beginning therapy. For all patients, we:

  • Carry out a thorough psychological and medical evaluation
  • Examine belongings for banned or controlled items
  • Complete a urine drug screening
  • Designate a room and give you a tour of the facility

Before you officially begin treatment, we utilize the details of your evaluation to create a personalized plan for your medical support and therapy. We believe in treating each patient uniquely and adapting our rehab process to address your specific circumstances for the best care possible.

How We Use Therapy Throughout Rehab

At Evolve Duluth, we understand that mental illnesses and emotional distress often exist at the center of drug and alcohol addictions. In rehab, you’ll get to examine the underlying causes behind your substance use in counseling and begin to heal.

We employ various sorts of therapy to meet different needs. You can plan on attending

  • Group therapy each day
  • Individual therapy every day
  • Family counseling a minimum of one session or as appropriate

Our professionals are expertly trained in treatment for drug and alcohol addiction and use evidence-based strategies. As you engage in therapy, you’ll learn

  • How to detect and treat co-existing disorders
  • How to deal with urges
  • How to improve your positive mental health
  • New, effective coping strategies
  • How to mend relationships

All these new tools will help you sustain the momentum in your substance use recovery and help you enjoy a more fulfilling, healthier life after you leave rehab.

Medical Care During Rehab

Enhancing your physical state is just as crucial as improving your psychological well-being. Our medical personnel will help you manage any medical conditions by dispensing OTC and prescribed medications when needed. We also ensure your physical and mental health with nutritious meals, access to an exercise area, and an opportunity for meditation on our outdoor patio.

A significant aspect of your care will be on reducing your drug or alcohol withdrawal symptoms. At the intake stage, our healthcare team decides if prescriptions for the aches, anxiety, cravings, and other symptoms is appropriate. We only use reputed medications and work to establish suitable doses informed by your medical background. We strive to help you feel better and healthier by the completion of your stay with us.

How We Set You Up For Success With Aftercare Planning

We understand you still require assistance after departing from our treatment center, and we want to guarantee you obtain it. One aspect of our rehab process near Duluth is to assist you in planning for the next step of your journey.

We’ll collaborate with you and your family to arrange the next stage of recovery and how to prevent relapsing after you return home. Evolve Recovery Center Duluth has partnerships with various different facilities in the surrounding area and can locate the suitable outpatient facility where you can receive counseling and medical care while carrying on with your day-to-day life. We also offer an alumni program where a mental health professional will check in on occasion to make certain that your rehab is still moving forward.

Get Help With Drug And Alcohol Rehab

Not certain if you or a family member requires rehab? Let us assist. Contact 470-348-5426 or submit the form below, and a member of our team will respond right away to speak with you. We answer 24 hours a day, regardless of the hour. We are ready to help you now.